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Compatible Laptop Battery Stock Number: ES1771010

Compatible replacement spare part for select models of Sony laptops

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Compatible Laptop Battery

If you have noticed that the battery to your laptop is no holding the charge as it once did, or discharges far quicker than when it came out of the box, well fret no more because eSpares is here to help! With age, all batteries will eventually lose its ability to hold a charge, once this happens you will find that your laptop is no longer portable.

So if you are suffering from a faulty or aged battery allow eSpares to help with this spare to help provide your laptop with the power it needs get you working and browsing the net once again.


  • 10.8 (11.1) volts
  • Capacity: 6600mAh

Compatible replacement spare part for select models of Sony laptops.

Please check the suitable model fit list to ensure that this is the correct part for your appliance.

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