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Find out more info about our different delivery options below. Please note that these delivery timings apply to "In Stock" products only. When products are not shown as "In Stock" we display our best estimate of how long it will be before we can despatch the product. If for any reason we're not able to get your items despatched within this estimated time, we will email you to let you know.

IE Standard Delivery

Charges are based on the value of the items in your basket and are shown belowto the left. You will normally receive your items within 3-5 working days of despatch. If you haven't received your items within 3 weeks, please contact us for a replacement order.

Basket Sub-Total Delivery charge
Greater than zero €6.99

Delivery to the UK

Deliveries to the UK is normally charged at €6.99 per order but certain shipments may be more expensive. If that is the case, a Customer Services advisor will contact you before shipping the order. If you haven't received your items within 2 weeks, please contact us to arrange a replacement order. For enquiries, please contact Customer Services.


Bank Holidays

Our operating hours and those of our delivery partners vary over bank holidays. Please allow extra time for deliveries.

Please note delivery charges listed include VAT which may change based on your delivery destination. For more information, see VAT & Sales Tax.
For further information on our delivery policy please see our Terms & Conditions.
For enquiries about deliveries please contact our Customer Services team.